Official Forumwarz Blog

The official blog for the web game, Forumwarz

.moar files

Episode 2 is now only two weeks away, and we’ve still got some surprises! Previously, I’ve alluded to an unannounced gameplay feature that will be released at the same time as Episode 2, and I’m finally ready to announce it!

One thing lacking from Forumwarz is item drops when you beat enemies. Sure, we send you junk the next day, but if you are just 50 flezz short on an item you want, it sucks to have to wait, especially if you have forum visits remaining. Also, there is relatively little to collect in our game, since there are a limited amount of stores and items you can buy from them.

When Episode 2 launches, we’re introducing item drops in the form of “.moar” files. Even though this feature is launching with the paid content, it is open to all players. In fact, you gain the ability around level 3 in Episode 1.

The idea is that the Internet is like a dirty attic full of forgotten data files. Some are useful, some aren’t, and some are really rare. You are given the ability to equip “spider” software that scours forums as you browse (read: pwn) them. After each battle, the spider will transfer the files to your computer.

All the files are intially .moar files, which is the archive format of the Forumwarz universe. They are split up into multiple pieces, and you have to assemble them before you can access the file they contain. You are given a new tab on your character page that lists all the .moar files you’ve collected so far, the pieces you’ve found and how many are remaining before you can extract the file.

Moar files image

Files can be either audio, video, programs, pictures or documents, and can be equipped before you go into battle. Each player class can equip one of each type of file to boost their stats. Additionally, some files are specific to player classes.

Certain file pieces can only be found in certain forums, and some pieces are very rare. Harder forums generally drop better files. There are hundreds of files to collect and equip.

I’m pretty happy with the way the feature has turned out. The idea is to add more files over time, and eventually add a marketplace system where players can trade the pieces they don’t have with each other!

Written by eviltrout

October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

Posted in Episode 2, Home, News, Site Updates

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18 Responses

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  1. Haha…just the name is amusing. "I need .moar files" Your ‘spider’ program should pop up after a battle with the message "FUKKIN SAVED!".

    In all seriousness (not that I wasn’t serious about the "SAVED" message), it seems like a good change to Forumwarz, more of an item economy. Collecting stuff is always fun. My one concern is that if you have multiple copies of a file…well, why would you? Do they have some sort of bizarre DRM that when you send someone a copy they vanish from your hard drive? Admittedly, I’m just making an assumption from the screenshot, I don’t REALLY know how it will ultimately work. But…if it DID treat files as objects that couldn’t be copied, well, that would kind of break plausibility, wouldn’t it?


    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  2. Holy crap this looks like fun!

    Like in pokemon when you’d get meowth’s payday attack and collect money after battle. That was awesome.
    This is that, only better. Cannot wait!


    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  3. If Forum visits weren’t limited, I’d be seriously worried right now. Way to appeal to my obsessive compulsive side.

    Pretty cool news, nonetheless.

    King Krimson

    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  4. stupid gimmick is stupid

    Anonymous PU55Y

    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  5. @L2R
    That would be awesome. And it lets you make fun of the whole DRM fiasco lately.

    Big Brother

    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  6. Actually, DRM is precisely how we’d already discussed and planned to describe it. Now it’s going to seem like we stole your idea!

    Evil Trout

    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM


    @BigBrother: DRM fiasco?


    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  8. lovin the idea. gotta collect them all


    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  9. @Lem: I think the OP referred to the controversy around Spore’s use of SecuRom DRM in particular where the Digital Rights Management software will, among other obnoxious things, limit your number of allowed installs per copy of a game.

    Anonfag #2

    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  10. @Anonfag2: Thanks for filling me in on this. I think this "crafting" aspect will be very fun indeed.


    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  11. And before that, there was the infamy of StarForce, a DRM system known for fucking up computers. It also doesn’t install cleanly.


    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  12. Question for Evil Trout: will clicking ‘details’ for a .moar set show a funny description or just the file’s stats? It’s just that there’ll be so many files that I’m not sure whether you’ve written funny descriptions for all of them.


    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  13. BiggerJ: At the moment we haven’t completed any written descriptions for the actual files. They are too numerous, and we think that it might be unnecessary. You don’t really need a description for a song, for instance, and the titles sort of speak for themselves.

    That said, perhaps it could be on the horizon. Actually, one of our faithful testers already has a project in mind to start describing items in earnest.

    Perhaps a massive crowdsourcing project (with contest-like incentives) would be apropos? I have some ideas, and I’ll bring them up with the crew. Readers, feel free to chime in.

    Jalapeno Bootyhole

    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  14. Maybe you could set up a collaborative project like Forumbuildr, which would be ongoing and allow players to provide descriptions for file sand vote on descriptions added by others. The highest-scored description for each file would be used in-game, maybe with a minimum score needed in order for it to be displayed. Or maybe no descriptions would be used in-game until you (or whoever you put in charge of the project) ‘locks in’ the highest voted descriptions. In that case, maybe you could present files for describing in batches (and, as you said, when all batches are done, there’ll always be more because you’ll keep releasing more new files). This method would make rewarding players with stuff like flezz and E-Peen easier, since winning descriptions would be permanent.

    Speaking of E-Peen, roughly how many new E-Peen will be released when Episode 2 is made available?


    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  15. Are any of the files useless junk?

    Big Brother

    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  16. @BiggerJ, we just may do something like that! I’m not sure on the total count of new E-Peen(tm) for episode 2, but I think it’s possible to get 4-8 new ones depending on your class.

    @Big Brother, nope, so far each one improves one stat or another. Some are class specific though.

    Evil Trout

    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

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    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  18. that’s pretty fucking sexy. i’d have sexual relations with that feature. no joke.


    October 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM

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